Hawaii day #3
on the third day kita decided to go to Polynesian Culture
udah book dr the day before seh, itu juga dadakan bisnya kita ga tau mau kemana lagi... hehe..
trs yg ada available jg tinggal yg ambasador, which is emank yg udah kita intend to choose...
soalnya based on our experience dl waktu kesana kita beli yg admission only, trs kita makan di buffet restaurant disana n ternyata KAGA enak!!! i couldn't eat a single thing!!
trs kalo luau, which is the hawaiian style itu gw pasti jg a bisa makan gara2 everything is based on MEAT!!! as u know gw kan ga gt doyan yg berbau per-daging-an ...
n kl yg ambasador ini ada shrimp n crab legs nya, jdi gw bisa makan!! hahaha...
jadi paginya kita have a quick breakfast at keoni. ya american breakfast gt d... too bad gw lupa buat ngefoto! abis uda kelaperan seh... he
me @ Keoni
so... kita di jemput di hotel at 12:30pm.. the ride was 1 hour n 20 mins to go to the cultural centre, which is located in Laie...
smp sana kita nunggu di bagiin karcis masuk, trs as we were on the ambasador package, kita masuk ke ruangan khusus buat nunggu guide kita...
first attraction yg kita liat disana itu tuh the canoe peageant, which is called "Rainbows of Paradise"
Hawaii Tonga
Tahiti Aotearoa
Samoa Fiji
abis dr canoe peageant kita ke Samoa Village...
pokoknya if u guys ever go to polynesian culture, WAJIB ke samoa village!! they have the BEST show, kocax gitu lohh... heheh...
based on their culture itu, yg COWOX yg do all the cooking work!!
how the Samoans trying to make fire... *can see the flames on the right*
how the Samoans do the coconut husking, marut kelapa, n making the coconut milk
well, mereka ngupas kelapa itu pake kaya semacem bambu yg ujung runjing gt... itu cuma buat ngupas! trs ngebelahnya itu.. cuma pake SMALL STONE!!! iya beneran d... cuma pake batu doank itu kelapa di ketok2 beberapa kali terus kebuka!!! keren kaannnn....
pokoknya keren banget d, org2 yg satu ini! hehehe..
trs mereka jg show how they climb the coconut tree!! heheh..
Samoan climbing the coconut tree
that guy can clomb the tree really FAST!!! padahal itu pohon tuh yg tingginya banget banget mannn...
trs bkn itu aja, bisa genlantungan lagi!!! ga pegangan tangan, jd cuma kaki doank yg nempel, trs only one hand yg meluk pohon,trs ada lagi pegangan pake dua tangan n kakinya gelantungan, dll...
tp sayanganya ga gw foto waktu itu... hehe..
trs abis itu kita naek canoe buat kelilingin the whole cultural centre, jadi itu canoenya itu ngiderin almost hte entire islands there...
and this is what i found during the canoe tour...
pohon pisang & pohon singkong
abis dr canoe trip, kita ke Hawaii island for some hands-on activity which is learnign the hula dance... tp gw ga ikutan la.. soalnya tau diri gw, ga bisa nari!! hahaha
learning the hula dance *that's NOT me*
after that the guide show us the noni tree, tp once more too bad that i didn't take a picture of it! hehehe...
After that we went to Aotearoa which is commonly known as Nea Zealand...
disana kita nonton show, which is quite boring...
ato gara2 dl da pernah nonton kl ya... soalnya yg kita liat kl ini sama dulu itu sama seh... malah the same exact one!
jadi kita decided kl laen kali mau kesana kita bakal pilih yg super ambasador package, jadi kita dpt private guide gt... hten we can go whereever we want lor... hehehe...
kapal yg mrk pake for dunno what..., yg pasti SUPER panjang#slh 1 traditional dancenya mrk
so that was the last place that we went... then we continue to our DINNER!!!
laper boo... seharian baru makan sekali doank, waktu jam 11!! udah jam 5pm belom makan apa2 lagi, pdhl biasanya udah makan lagi.. hehehe...
so kita dianterin ke ambassador dinig room... dinnernya ternyata buffet..
uda gitu kan on that day was Memorial Day, jadi tuh bener2 yg rame banget nget d tempatnya! smp yg namanya mknan aja tuh kekurangan gt... gw aja cuma mkn dikit banget, gara2 ga kluar2 lagi mknannya... trs diblgnya di luar msh byk yg antri jd ga dikluarin! crab legs aja baru dikeluarin lsg abis dlm itungan detik1!!
kesel d ih gw, masa kit audah bayar mahal2 trs mknan aja ga dpt seh!!!
my plate
koko mkn sambil NGOCEH!!! ^_^
after dinner, we went to to the apmhiteathre, to watch Horizons: Where the Sea Meets the Sky...in this particular show, the whole islands will come together to perform...acarany bagus banget! esp those by the Samoans.. hehe...trs juga hula dancenya keren banget mannn...itu pantat bisa goyang kaya mau putus aja... hahahah...n guess what?? gw liat japanese girl among all the dancers, n dia juga narinya keren!!! pantatnya itu booo... heheh...
before the show
First half of the show
during intermission: Pineapple Deelites
second half of the show: Samoans playing with FIRE!!!
That's the end of tour third day in Hawaii...
what a long dayy... capex tapi jg seneng so pasti... hehehe
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