Friday, May 26, 2006


yehaaa... exams over!!!
akhirnya libur!!!
waiting for sumemr semester to start!
jd skrg nikmatin hidup dl! heheheh

will be back with many pic after my hol trip!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

first paper...

my first paper went OK , i guess...
hopefully i can get an A though...
really need a miracle for this philosophy paper, coz i need to do EXTREMELY good to pass the course, or else i'll be under probation next semester *cross-finger*
arrgghhh... life is such a troublesome man!!!
why must there be school!??!!
well, still have 3 more papers to go! hopefully can ace all of them!

wish me luck!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

uda lama ya??

huaaahhh... uda lama ya ga ngeblog?? hehehe
iya neh, lagi super sibuk banget!
akhirnya slese juga all of my assignments.
today, which is tuesday, is my last day of class!! yaaayyy...
well, tapinya trs FINAL!!!
wed is a 'dead-day', trs thurs is first of final!
my final will be from this thurs-next wed, means that i'll have ONLY 1 final on each day!!! hahaha... am so happy!!
tp tetep aja neh ngebayangin yg namanya final tuh udah serem mannn...
tp ga tau knp this time ga se serem semester lalu, pdhl biasanya a week before final started to feel stressed out. tp kl ini masih aja nyante! hahaha.. bis uda cape seh! jd yg ada di otak tuh cuma HOLIDAY!!!
mgkn nanti by the time wed baru d kejang2 kl ye mikirn final!
i'll have to get 88 for my ctg final to get a B+, and 100 maybe to get an A!!! which is ga mungkin punya la!!! hahahah
tp 88 aja gw da seneg bgt kok! hihi...
ayo donk final ,cepetan selse!! gmn ya caranya dpt bgs tanpa bljr?? anyone knows some jurus sakti?? hehe...
ok good luck for me for the FINALL!!
after that Hawaii here I commmeeeeeeee......

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

stele sekian lamanya....

da lama banget nh ya ga nge post! akhirnya skrg ngepost jg... hehehe...
uda lumayan mlm seh, or bisa diblg subuh! hahaha..
baru aja selse bikin paper, yg kononnya due wednesday....
tumben2 gw bikin skrg soalnya there's another paper due n am going to have a midterm on that day!
trs denger2nya td dikelas ternayta the other paper itu blh di hand in on monday!!!
YYAAAYYYY... i am so HAPPY!!!
jd besok bisa concentrate on my actg exam d! hehehe....

btw, gw skrg uda lmyn sembuh d! da ga separah wkt itu... hehehe...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


duh!! ternyata gw sakit beneran!!!
hix hix...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

pusink.. pusink...

judul diatas tuh bukan maksudnya gw sakit! tp gw pusink sama kerjaa gw yg menumpuk!!! arrgghhhh...
ok sklh is only 2 weeks left + 2 weeks of final = 4 weeks!!!
kerjaan bukannya makin dikit, tp makin BANYAK!!!
i still have 1 more anthropology paper + 2 nutrition papers + 1 nutrition presentation + 1 accounting exam + 1 finance project + 2 extra credit paper for anthro + 2 philosophy rewrites + MULTIPLE philo online postings!!!
hebat ya?!?!?! everything is cramped into the last 2 wks of school!!!
ok, tadi accounting class di blg exam 3 nya di postpone 1 meeting, which means a wee from wed, instead of a wk from today!!
n guess what?!?!?! gw mah ga seneng sama sekali!!!
soalnya on that very SAME day, i have 2 papers due!!! n now i will have to take this freaking exam!!!
arrrggghh... gmn donk!?!?!? otak gw bisa meledak pny!!
blm lagi all the final pressures!! i'm gonna be DEAD!!

oh ya btw, akhirnya anthro paper gw yg due hari ini selese juga kemaren.. gw kira gw bakal selese pass midnite, eh ternyata sebelom jam 11 mlm pun uda slese! hahaha.. tumben nya gw ini....
trs kmrn pdhl rencana kan mau bikin tuh paper dr pagi, tp yg ada gw aja bangun uda jam 12 siang!!
terus mandi, pergi makan n ke MALL!!! hahahha...
hebat ye gw!!
tdnya mau ke santana row dl, tp muter2 cari parkir ga dapet space sama skl, jadinya kita ke sebrang deh ke valley fair...
muter2 jg tp akhirnya dapet parkir. jadi ya keliling2 di situ sampe ga tau mau ngapain lg, trs nyebrang ke santana row bentar, liat2...
bis itu blk lagi ke valley fair n pulang...
gw bukannya bikin paper mlh jalan2 yg ada! hahaha...
tp gpp la, relaxing dl sebelom gw stress lg mikirin tugas2 gw!

well, today i supposed to get 2 of my midterms back.. tp yg ada ga dpt 1 pun! soalnya my nutrition teacher was away for a conference last week, jd ktnya belom sempet check ulang n masukin nilainya. trs my last class for today, which in anthro was cancelled! jadi ya ga dpt balk juga d midterm nya.. trs td jg we get to hand in out paper to her TA.
tp enak jg class nya di cancel, jd bisa pulang n rest n also post this blog! hahaha...

tumben ye hari ini gw post panjang bgt!
k' deh wanna relax myself first!

have a great week ahead guys!!

Monday, May 01, 2006

udah balik!!

akhirnya udah blk normal lagi blog gw!!!
skrg udah kliatan lagi d templatenya!! hehehe