Sunday, April 30, 2006

stupid blog!!!

arrgghhh!!!! what happen to my blog???
payah neh photobucket!!!
kok tau2 blog gw templatenya ga kluar gini seh??
error bener2 d!!!!


aduuh!!! kok gw males bgt sh ya! pdhl gw mestinya
dr tadi tuh bikin research paper!! tp yg ada malah bacain blog org!!
bingung d gw!!! dasar org males sh ya begini d!
yg ada nanti last min pny! emank dasar otak gw lbh bisa kerja kl lst minute kl ye?!?! hahaha.. can't blame it sh, emank udah dr sananya ky gini!

so, td kita nonton "united 93", itu tuh film yg ttg 911
ya not bad sh, biar pun ga bgs2 amat.. tp ya cukup seru jg! hehe...

trs kita kan nonton itu deket sama gereja gt... nash selse nonton jan 4:30an, trs smp depan gereja kita liat kok rame.. trs kt pikir wah ada mass jam 5 sore neh, jadi yaudah d kita deciced buat ke gereja! hehe..
pdhl biasanya boro2 ke gereja sabtu, org kl hari minggu aja ke gereja nya lbh sering jam 7 sore pny misa kok! jadi ya dipikir2 enak d, besok kita bisa nyante seharian! hehehe...
gereja bagus bgt! laen sama gereja2 yg pernah gw dtgin di daerah rmh gw sini!

trs, bsk ga tau nh rencana mau ngapain.
pgn nya sh ke mall, window shoppin gt, alias cuci mata! hehe
tp kita liat aja d gmn paper gw.. soalnya senen uda DUE!!!
dan gw baru bikin 1 sentence!! hebat d nopi ini! hahaha

we'll see the progress tonite!

Friday, April 28, 2006


bebasss... ini bukannya bebas dr tugas loh! tp bebas dr laki gw yg td siang ke vegas, for his work stuff! haha...

so... tadi siang pulang sklh, dia jemput gw di rmh...
trs kita jemput ade gw di campusnya then we went for lunch
trs drop my bf off at the airp, n my bro drove me to schl...

kelas ari ini nge bete in bgt!!
tmn2 gw ga msk, yg ada cuma si bombay yg gw benci!!
he's damn annoying!!! n i had to bear with him just for the sake of my damn project!!
gile d tuh org! apa jg dikomenin! lama2 mulutnya gw plester d!!

ya, basically ari ini ok2 aja seh, other than that noink guy.

looking ahead for tomm... my darl is coming back in the afternoon! ;P

Thursday, April 27, 2006

research paper??

at last! akhirnya! exam is over for the week!
today exam was OK, i think...
at least it's going to be much better than my forst midterm la.. for sure! hehe.. (gile PeDe bgt gw, nanti tau2 anjlok lf nilai gw)

skrg tgl mshl research paper gw aj neh...
bingung bgt man! basically, i dunno where to start. a lot of ideas running through my head, cuma aja ga tau mesti mulain nya gmn...
well.. ok, first of all, it's for my anthropology 146 class, which is about culture & conflict.
we are suppossed to do this 3 parts project, about a region, country or indigeneous people (whichever you want) n basically talk about the conflict they were/are facing.
then i decided to do a paper on Kalimantan, where the Dayak n Madurese came into a conflict a few years back.
part 1 went OK! tp skrg part 2 nya stuck!!
gw da research n i got a hell lot of info, tp skrg binngung mlh ga tau gmn mau mulai...
n it's due this coming monday!
u see, a sign of another horrible weekend!!
pdhl united 93 is coming out on friday, n gw pengen bgt nonton!!
yeah might have to take some time off, just to realx myself a bit. ya anggep aja a reward! hehe...

ya besok gw ada grp work sama tmn gw si "bawang" rese, for my finance project! moga2 aja bsk dia kaga back up on me AGAIN!!!
udah 3 kl dia bikin gw naek darah! pdhl 3x tuh udah strike, tp berhubung gw baik hati (pdhl ada maksudnya), ya gw msh diem2 aja.

we'll see tomm what's going to happen...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

mampus aja d!!!

gilaaa!!! mampus aja d!!
kan tadi gw midter nutrition n fitness class (which u might be wondering what the heck is that??, n i dun even have a single clue)
haha.. well, back to the thing...
td gw exam n guess waht?? dr total kl ga salah 50Qs, mgkn yg gw yakin bisa cuma 10# doank kali ye?? gila kan!!! jadi bisa dibayangin donk tuh parahnya segmn...
ga tau gw nya yg bego ato gurunya yg GILA!!
tp, kml dipikir2 mgkn jg gurunya rada2 ya.. soalnya dr 30an murid itu cuma 1 org doank yg selse before the time is up!!
kita yg laennya msh struggling until the very last second, smp gurunya uda beres mau cabut!
50 soalnya in 50 mins?? can u imagine?? mana bukan semuanya MCQ lagi, ada 10 open-ended n a few calculation problems.
ya skrg gw cuma tgl berdoa aja d ya, at least bisa pass gt biar pun pas2an. which has always been the occasion for me! hahahha...

well, trs tadi anthropology class jg kinda interesting seh.
we discussed abt the female circumcision... kita kan lg discuss ttg Somalia n their culture, n on of their cultures is actually the female circumcision.
which is a new thing for me. so yeah, i did learn smthg today.

an overall hari ini not bad d, except for that stupid exam! haha
praying for an even better day tomm.

ngmg2, gw rabu ada midterm anth!! argghh.. mesti mulai bljr d!! jgn smp jadi a disastter lg!!

Monday, April 24, 2006


commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

akhirnya gw ganti comment box pake haloscan...
see am doing this blog instead of studying! hahaha
better get back!!

it's sunday...

duhh.. udah minggu! gw belom selese bljr buat exam besok lagi!
as usual d.. pasti burn midnite oil pny! hahaha...
hopefully can finish studying by the end of the day, shich is impossible!!
kmrn udah bener2 nge slack! we want for lunchm then went to valley fair to do some shopping.. hehhe...
gw beli 1 kemeja baru n a lip gloss
trs dinner kita ke applebee's. had their ribeye, which is quiete nice...
jadi hari ini ga kmn2, going to attend mass later at the evening. then carmp myself up with all the studying!!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

after so long

hi alll... am back!
been busy lately with my schl works! got my actg exam abck on wed, n it's not like my expectation! was disappointed...
well, think must study hard for the 3rd midterm then!

next week, im going to have 2 midterms...
then have to submit a paper for my anthro class..
i better start reading on the materials n think of what to write for this second part!
all my proffs dediced to change due dates all around... so now am packed with all the assignments toward the end fo the semester = SUCKS!!
realie hate it! have to cramp myself up with all the assignments that are coming n also have to prepare for the final at the same time!

oh ya... summer registration has started.. n guess what??
yeah! i can only get into 1 of the classes that i wanna take!@ the other was already full!!
my appointment started on the first day at 1pm, n the registration thingy started at 7am, n still i can't get to that class!
damn school! why can't they offer more sections???
well, i think i have to just try to add the class on the day itself...we'll see weather am in luck or not...

wish me luck for my exams next week...

Monday, April 17, 2006

happy easter

happy easter everyone....

Saturday, April 15, 2006

weekend here i come....

at last! gw bisa ngerasain yg namanya weekend lagi! FREE from school!! hahaa..
so now u know that i HATE schl so much.. hehe..
damn tired this week.. a lot of things happened in schl..
there was 1 midterm last monday.. then i got my philo midterm back... n the result is VERY disapointing! tp ya udah bisa di predict pny seh.. cos i didn't study for the midterm at all! hehe..
trs juga dpt my anthro's paper back.. was very HAPPY!! :)

trs yest n today we went to church, besok jg msh mesti ke church lg...(or should i say today? since it's 12:05am) easter is ard the corner!

duh bingung jg ga tau mau tulis apa lagi...
well... gw tulis lagi wehen i've got smthg to share...

Friday, April 14, 2006

new look...

akhirnya i've got a new look here... stelah berjam2 nyoba2 untuk ngerubah sana sini...
akhirnya berhasil jg! heheh...
tp msh mesti add more things on it seh..
but it looks good...

arrghh mesti cabut ke sklh neh! ada the damn finance lect...
i'll sambung again later!

Thursday, April 13, 2006


it's almost 2 am skrg...
msh lg nyoba2 buat ganti templatenya, msh bingung jg seh..
but i'll get over it

gtg sleep now... or else i won't be able to wake up for my class tomm...

nite nite

the debut...

well... it's my first post rite here!
dunno what to write.. haha...
bener2 no idea! will write a real entry soon