Thursday, April 27, 2006

research paper??

at last! akhirnya! exam is over for the week!
today exam was OK, i think...
at least it's going to be much better than my forst midterm la.. for sure! hehe.. (gile PeDe bgt gw, nanti tau2 anjlok lf nilai gw)

skrg tgl mshl research paper gw aj neh...
bingung bgt man! basically, i dunno where to start. a lot of ideas running through my head, cuma aja ga tau mesti mulain nya gmn...
well.. ok, first of all, it's for my anthropology 146 class, which is about culture & conflict.
we are suppossed to do this 3 parts project, about a region, country or indigeneous people (whichever you want) n basically talk about the conflict they were/are facing.
then i decided to do a paper on Kalimantan, where the Dayak n Madurese came into a conflict a few years back.
part 1 went OK! tp skrg part 2 nya stuck!!
gw da research n i got a hell lot of info, tp skrg binngung mlh ga tau gmn mau mulai...
n it's due this coming monday!
u see, a sign of another horrible weekend!!
pdhl united 93 is coming out on friday, n gw pengen bgt nonton!!
yeah might have to take some time off, just to realx myself a bit. ya anggep aja a reward! hehe...

ya besok gw ada grp work sama tmn gw si "bawang" rese, for my finance project! moga2 aja bsk dia kaga back up on me AGAIN!!!
udah 3 kl dia bikin gw naek darah! pdhl 3x tuh udah strike, tp berhubung gw baik hati (pdhl ada maksudnya), ya gw msh diem2 aja.

we'll see tomm what's going to happen...


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