Thursday, August 14, 2008

tlp rusak n inet mati

ga ol berapa hari since line tlp dirmh gw rusak...
which also affect my speedy connection!!
jadi ya ga ol since monday or tuesday gt lupa....

been busy this week since emak mau presentasi sarmut alias sasaran mutu buat ISO...
n juga mesti prepare buat business plan. ditambah lg ada another proyek yg mesti handover di akhir minggu ini. jadi la super sibuk...

sarmut uda lewat.. hari ini emak presentasi dengan jurus ngawurnya kita.. haha
BP pun ternyata td di announce kl di postpone ke tgl 19!! heeppiiii... means i got another day to do it!! bsk d i baru selesin or kl emank ga beres ya terpaksa la i masuk this saturday...

padahal uda 2 hari tuh gw plg jam 7 trs... eh ternyata di postponed!!

well at least this week is a long weekend... monday libur since 17an falls on sunday... jadi seninnya dibuat tgl merah n hari libur nasional!! dan hebatnya ternyata TIDAK potong cuti alias BUKAN cuti bersama!!! hahahhaha....

weekend: planning to go to Segara... been a long time since we spend time for a romantic dinner! haha.. yeah rite! kaya pernah romantis2nya aja ber2 ini!! tp ya this time dia yg ngajakin ke segara! not bad jg...

at last tommorrow is FRIDAY!! means weekend is around the corner!!!


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