Saturday, August 11, 2007

@ PS

hari ini hang out lg sm ank2 PeHa..
serum banget!! since gw blm ktm Handoko for almost 10 yrs jg!!
so today i met him!!

so, td siang gw dijemput Edwin jam 2an gt...
jadi sembl th gw, edwin, handoko n hendry lsg ke PS
then we met Cecil there...

tdnya mau kongko2 di Bakerz Inn, tp we couldn't get us a table jd ye ke tempat maen pool.
Fandy n cwnya dtg tp y cm buat bentar gt doank since bis itu kita ber5 mau udahan pool jg..
trs fandy jln2 sm cwnya...
Tika n her friend jg sempet stop by bentar di tempat pool, tp mrk ber2 maen bowling n ga ikut kita jln...

ter ber 5 mkn di sushi tei smbl ngegosip2 n chit chat...
n jd meja terbrisik dist!! haha...
mgkn org2 da pada ngeliatin kl!
tp it was fun!!

then we went to kinokuniya, at then fandy her is gf nyusul kt lg.
trs mrk sempet ikt kita duduk di starbucks for a while..
kita ber 5 lanjut lg chit-chating, until joseph stop by gt talked for a while...

well, today sh jam 8an uda cabut plg gw!
rekor bgt!!! haha...

Handoko busy w/ his stoty telling @ sushi tei
Handoko & Edwin

Me& Cecil

Edwin & Cecil

Edwin is going back to the US on Mon & Doko to UK on Tues...
So its kinda last gathering that we're gonna have yg ber rame2 gt...
since most of them are going back already...

It's gonna be so sad...
bakal sepi nh Jkt after they're all gone!
bakal tgl me n cecil doank disni, since wanda jg lg sibuk skripsi n also busy spending time w/ her bf!
n remembering that cecil is also always been busy with her work!!

so yeah i guess i'm gonna spend most of my time working now!
n hang out w/ cecil once in a while n jg sm my neighbours & friends...

Moga2 aj d gw bakal bs cpt get used to the things around here...
esp after they're all gone, which is going to be vr quiet!

Friends, wish u all good luck with your study abroad!!
hope to see u guys again in the near future!!
well, the big reunion is coming up next yr!! hope to see u guyz again there!!

i'm so gonna miss hanging out with u guys!!!!
esp, afater all these weekends that we have spent together!!


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