Tuesday, November 21, 2006


pdhl kmrn ini gw mau post my birthday wish list loh...
tp ya ga ada waktu gt saking sibuknya!
well, nanti aja gw bikin christmas wish list...

updatean ttg b'day gw nanti ye menyusul!
skrg gw mau bkn project dl, which is due tommorrow!

Thursday, November 16, 2006


duuhh capeqnyaa....
badan rasanya uda remuk semua neh!
banyak bgt man assignments blm lagi presentation n group projects!!

end of semester is nearing...
more assignments that need to be done!!!

minggu dpn thanksgiving, lumayan sh ya libur 4 hari
what a very long weekend!
tp ya tetep aja...
1 project
1 presentation
1 take home exam...
that's all due just after the thanksgiving break!!!

gila d!
liburan bukannya relax malah mati2an gw!!
blm lagi mesti kerja on friday n saturday
kapan waktu nya mannnn

oh ya BTW ya...
my birthday is coming!!!
just in a few more days!
ayo semuanya jgn lupa kadonya ya!

kl perlu seh mentahan nya aja juga tidak menolak! ;p

Thursday, November 09, 2006

koko b'day - 11/4/2006

as promised....

so, basically ultahnya koko di celebrate 4 times! hahha..

waktu 12am nya itu trisno n ting2 came to my house n bring a cake. trs acara buka kado jg... hehhe...

then in the afternoon, we celebrated it at Chef Chu's. well,yg ini seh sebetulnya gara2 my mom. she smsed me said must buy mie goreng for the b'day. jadi ya we went to a chinese rest.
btw, my bro came down to SJ for the celebration.

trs kita jg udah pesen cake from cheesecake factory buat di ksh ke co-workers di spice island n the manager. this can be considered as a celebration jg kan?? hehe

trs the next day is the actual celebration. koko invited some of our friends for lunch in Tony Roma's.
knp kita pilih minggu?? soalnya me n koko kerja on saturday night n ga mgkn jg buat minta day off. hehe.. so yeah..

so, here goes the PICTURES...

above: pic at 12:30am, 11/4/2006

L-R: me n koko @home, ting2-koko-trisno, koko w/ gifts from me n ting2 (black shirt was from me & tie is from ting2 n chad), koko cutting the cake

above: afternoon celebration @ Chef Chu's
L-R: group foto
(front L-R: will, koko, me. back L-R: trisno, ting2, richard), 3 of us

kl celebration yg ini kita ga pake kue! kan uda makan kue malemnya.. hehehe

above: celebration @ spice island
L-R: me n koko with the cakes, koko with some of our co-workers (L-R: peter, koko, yoel, trisno), the cake

Btw, ting2 also came to the rest. soalnya dia yg picked up the cake for us. hehe...

above: celebration @ TR
L-R: koko w/ the cake, koko blowing candles, 3 of us, group pics (clockwise: ricky, richard, wil, topher, koko, me, ting2, trisno)

waktu di TR ini the whole rest actually sang "happy birthday" for koko. hahah...
malu2in jg seh ya, tp kan bkn gw ini yg ultah jd yg malu kan bkn gw! hahaha...
trs jg kita beliin candlesnya yg unblowable, jadi ga bisa mati2 tuh lilin2! hahaha...
n we also got a coupon for free appetizer for our next visit!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

udah lama ya???

huaaa.. da lama ya ga nge post?? hehehe
soalnya banyak kerjaan seh!
dr sklh smp kerja... hahhaa

jd baru skrg neh bisa apdet...
so, last wkend was koko's birthday ya...
so we celbrated it..
full story nya besok2 d ya, sklan nanti ada fotonya. soalnya lg msh males buat upload foto2nya ke comp seh! hehehe...

duh sklh gw skrg lg byk bgt neh project nya!
mana blm 1 pun yg gw mulai bikin lg... arrghh...
besok gw harus conduct interview but one of my project.
to untungnya seh ini group project. jadi ya mendingan la..
end of this month gw bakal ada 1 presentation.. *arrghhh*
mana mesti pake formal clothes lg! males bgt d ihhh...

sp skrg gw msh kerja tiap friday n saturday.
malah2 gw kerjanya whole day, which is afternoon n night shift.
kaki lumayan cape, mlh bisa dibilang hampir putus.
da smp kaga bisa dibuat jalan lagi! hahaha

well, guys wish me luck d ya sm sklh!!
hopefully summer is my LAST semesterrr